Break up with your budget and start living your life!

One-On-One Financial Coaching to Help You Take Control of Your Finances - In Just 6 Weeks!

Fully virtual coaching - available to US Residents.

Does “budget” feel more like a 6-letter curse word than financial freedom?

  • You’ve thrown your hands up more than once, frustrated that traditional budgets just don’t seem to work.

  • No matter how much money you make, it still feels like saving money is an impossible task.

  • You open your credit card statement and wonder - WHAT HAPPENED?? Why is it that your balance never seems to go down?

If this sounds like you, you’re in the right place.

Strength in numbers

My years in the industry

clients taught this exact system

lives forever changed

Hi, i’m DebbiE, financial coach

I’m Here to Help

Life is hard enough—managing your money shouldn't add to your stress. For many, managing money doesn't come naturally, and traditional budgeting often leads to failure because it’s restrictive and just one piece of the financial puzzle.

Money Mastery blends practical strategies with emotional insights, offering a fresh perspective that can change your relationship with money. Successfully managing your money isn’t just about what you know; it’s also about how you behave—and why.

Having navigated these challenges myself, I've developed a method that considers not just the numbers but emphasizes your happiness and your values, transforming not only your finances but your entire life.

A life-changing program for financial happiness.


"This program was truly inspiring and will change the way that we handle our finances for a lifetime. We are so grateful for your expertise, encouragement, and support. I can’t speak highly enough of your approach."


"I feel aware for the first time ever and know exactly what is in my accounts. This program was a lot more empowering than I expected! I actually feel the program is worth more than the cost given the immense amount of attention and support you provide.”


"We’ve been able to save money for the first time in seven months, and have a better understanding of each other’s mindset when it comes to finances. Your system was the biggest game changer and will be a huge part of our success moving forward.”

Know for certain you’re making smart decisions with your money.

Picture this….

Having an actual spending plan instead of winging it, ensuring you never feel guilty while standing in the Starbucks check-out line.

Learning to communicate effectively about money in a healthy way without tears or shutting down when it come to money talk.

Managing your finances with ease (in about 90 minutes a month) without having to constantly check your bank account balance.

Making actual progress toward your biggest dreams like buying that dream house or being able to travel more.

Here's how this program works.

learn from the comfort of your home or office

All sessions are 1:1 completely customized sessions held virtually for your convenience via Zoom for US residents. Come as you are - you can wear your PJs if you like - we don’t do cookie cutter or pretentious here.

an easy to implement step-by-step program

Since life can gets a little hectic this program is spaced out into a manageable two sessions per month over three months to give you time to implement changes and room to breath - all with an easy payment plan.

try it risk free with a money-back guarantee

I want this to be right for you, which is why I require a phone call BEFORE you sign up for anything. But if you dive in and realize “Oops, this isn’t for me” after your first session, I’ll refund what you’ve paid toward future sessions.

Finally figure your finances in just 6 weeks.

 A one of a kind program that will elevate your finances in so many ways.

Ready to dive in?

Money Mastery is your complete A-Z roadmap for managing your personal finances.

Here's what's included:

unlimited support

You’re never alone on your journey. Whether it’s a quick text or a long email, unlike a cookie-cutter course, you’ll have unlimited access to a real person when you get stuck or just need someone to give you that dose of motivation you might be missing.

regular check-ins

I’ll check in with you mid-week to see how things are going, answer any questions that have popped up since our session, help you through any sticking points you’ve having with the exercises you’re working on, and cheer you on!

session recaps

It’s hard to concentrate on what’s happening during a session when you’re focused on taking notes. No worries, you’ll get a full recap of our session - what we talked about, how it relates to your situation, and a clear list of action items to complete.

financial Toolkit

My Financial Toolkit is full of easy-to-use Google Sheets and Docs, debt-payoff software and other tools to include Net Worth Statement, Expense Organizer, Goals and Values Tracker and more.

Weekly action items

You want to get RESULTS! Which is why this program is built on taking action, not theory. At the end of the program you’ve actually done all the things, have made REAL progress, and have a workable money management system - maybe for the first time ever.

money management software

You’ll have access to proprietary money management software to use in lieu of a budget. It’s a SIMPLE system that allows you to easily see how your money is allocated and to create multiple “what if” scenarios”.

 An easy payment plan:

Money Mastery

A 3-Month Journey

3 payments of:


You will receive:

  • Two monthly one-hour 1:1 sessions.

  • A total of six 1:1 sessions spread over 3 months.


Add 3 months of 1:1 coaching after your program ends for only $150 (includes one 1:1 one-hour session/month)!

Ready to get started, or still have questions?

What Clients are Saying…


"Debbie’s system was built with me from the foundations up, starting with my priorities, values and habits. I got clear on what money was really coming in, and how much was *really* going out, and what I could realistically afford — even with the highly variable income of a solopreneur. It’s given me a solid basis to work from. I’m excited, because I’ve put a whole easy-to-use (and keep using) system in place. "


"Things have changed dramatically for me - I now have a better emotional connection with money and the mindset of financial efficiency. I feel so much better with the system you have helped us set up. I feel that I can now be more involved with our (family) money management because it is now a system that has clearly defined parameters so we can collectively as a team take control of our financial position."

This is for you if:

You make good money but don’t know where it all goes.

You can’t seem to get out of debt and stay out of debt.

You feel like you can’t stick to a budget (no matter how hard you try).

You have a variable income that’s making it feel impossible to budget.

You feel frustrated to the point you’ve given up or you don’t even know where to start. 

This isn’t for you if:

You’ve got a super busy schedule and don’t know how you’ll be able to carve out the time to do this. 

You’ve got your finances humming along on autopilot, money in the bank, debt paid and no money stress.

You’re looking for investment advice instead of personal finance advice about budgeting, money management, debt payoff, goal setting, and saving.

You’re looking for a debt remediation service or someone to help you file bankruptcy. 

Taking control of your finances shouldn’t mean giving up your favorite pilates class.

You can absolutely have your cake and eat it too. But until you make an intentional plan for your money, chances are you'll keep wondering why spending money always fills you with guilt and why you can never seem to save.

A look into each module:

Module No. 1

set your money goals

• Walk through my Dream Session, define your money dreams, and put numbers to those big goals!
• Lay out a step-by-step plan to actually accomplish your goals. Because around here we don’t just dream it, we make plans to achieve it! 
• Create your net worth statement: one of the most important financial documents you can have. 
• Define your starting point & where you want to go. 

Module No. 2

master your money mindset

• Learn to recognize money scripts from your past that shape the way you approach money today.
• Identify your unique Money Personality, your primary go-to behavior when it comes to your personal finances. 
• I’ll show you how your Money Personality and money scripts are shaping your current financial practices, and how to keep the good ones while breaking the bad ones! 
• Awareness is the key to change. Understanding your money philosophies is crucial to achieving success.

Module No. 3

create your spending plan

• Review your current spending habits. This is definitely where the rubber hits the road, and it’s where the breakthroughs truly begin.
• Now that we’ve faced our financial reality, it’s time to create a new plan! You’ll start mapping out your plan to achieve your goals. 
• Follow my Happiness Spending System, spending your money with intentionality and purpose.

Module No. 4

Set up your bank accounts

• Set up your bank accounts to be user-friendly and easy to manage while also knowing exactly how much money you have to spend at any given moment! 
• What to do with unexpected expenses like when your dog has to visit the vet 3xs in one month. 
 • How to set your salary as an entrepreneur. You’re going to love this easy method. 
• Automate your money so it will go where you want it to go and you’ll never have to worry about a late payment. 

Module No. 5

Goal prioritization and debt payoff

• What to do when it seems like all your goals are Priority #1.
• How to make sure your goals are S.M.A.R.T. goals.
• Categorize your goals for easier planning - and achievement!
• If paying off debt is one of your goals, I’ll show you how to do it so you can still have fun AND save. You’ll walk away with a complete debt payoff plan too.

Module No. 6

Stay on track

You have a new money plan now ... but if it's not easy to follow month-to-month you won’t stick to it! This week is all about implementing the new plan and easily staying on track. The beauty of this plan is it's actually doable because it’s easy to manage and can flex when things come up - which they will! 

• How to manage your new shiny money plan with ease and never wonder where all your money went again. Now you’ll know!
• Best Practices to implement to keep you on track for the long-haul. 

Exclusive to the Money Mastery Program

  • Simplify and automate your financial life, easily see how your financial resources are allocated, develop a clear framework for making decisions, effectively communicate about your finances, prepare for life events and unexpected challenges, and clarify your priorities and develop a powerful process for achieving your goals.

  • Unlock the secrets behind your money behavior with this quick and enjoyable exploration. Identify the underlying financial habits, attitudes, and motivations that shape your decisions, paving the way for real behavior changes. Ideal for couples seeking insight into their financial dynamics, this tool reveals how you complement each other and provides practical suggestions for transforming financial behaviors. Gain personalized strategies for staying on track and achieving lasting financial success.

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • I want this to be the right fit for you just as much as you do! That's why I require a phone call or Zoom call BEFORE you sign up for anything.

    That said, if after your first session you think “Oh no! I’ve made a big mistake”, I will refund you any monies you’ve paid outside of your first session, which you will be charged for on a prorated basis.

    I do require a conversation with you via Zoom before making a refund, to make sure it’s not just your “fear brain” talking trying to sabotage you, as financial coaching takes courage and some of it is hard work (and scary) - but SO worth it!

  • Yes! In fact I have two. I offer this program in either a “6-Week Sprint” which is a weekly program, or a “90-Day Journey” which is a twice a month program for 3 months, and both programs have their own payment plan.

    Both payment plans are located on this page under the “Choose the Plan that Works for You” section. I think you’ll find my prices refreshingly affordable for a 1:1 customized program.

  • Not at all! Everyone is at a different place in their journey, and everyone is here to learn. There’s no need to feel embarrassed for what you don’t know or shame for past mistakes. This is a safe, judgment-free zone to learn about money and make your life better. We’ve ALL made mistakes. You are not alone.

    Many women have told me they were afraid to sign up, as they had been talked down to (or worse not talked to at ALL!) by other financial professionals, and after their first session said they were so glad they did because they were made to feel so welcome and comfortable.

  • ABSOLUTELY! I specialize in helping women solopreneurs not only because I am one and understand the struggles, but because I developed a system that helps with the difficulty solopreneurs face trying to manage their money with variable income.

    But this program can help anyone get their finances in order no matter where they are on their journey. If you age 18 or older and a resident of the US, you are eligible to take this program. If you live in Canada, you can still take this program but there will be some differences.

  • This program is designed to teach a strategy for managing money day-to-day. The basic strategies and philosophies apply to anyone! With that said, money is unique to location, for example, the banks that are available in the US may not be available in Canada.

    If you live in Canada, let’s set up a Zoom call to discuss. Right now this program is not available outside of the US and Canada due to the myriad of regulations and laws in each country.

  • Yes, when possible, I highly recommend that! Even if one person handles all the finances, it’s critical for the other person to know how they operate so that they can step in if need be.

    It also helps both of you get on the same page about your money, and will open the lines of communication and help you understand each other better (so you can have “money talks” with your partner without collapsing in a puddle of tears).

have any other questions?
contact me and I'll be happy to answer.

Ready to transform your financial future but still have questions about Money Mastery?

Take the first step toward financial empowerment! Contact me today - I'm here to provide answers and guide you on the path to financial success.