Tailored Financial Guidance For Immediate Impact.

Gain clarity and actionable steps to improve your financial health in just one session.

Are you struggling with financial questions like…

  • Should I pay off my debt or save more money first?

  • How do I plan for expenses that always blow my budget?

  • How much do I need to save for emergencies?

  • I received a small windfall - what should I do with it?

  • How do I stop living paycheck to paycheck?

  • I feel pretty good about my finances, but is there more that I should be doing?

If you have similar questions, get the expert advice you need.

Ensure you’re making informed choices with your finances.


Trustworthy, judgment-free financial advice and guidance.

Reduced financial stress, leading to a happier, more confident financial life.

Guidance tailored to your particular situation, not a cookie cutter answer.

The satisfaction of quick, actionable solutions.

Get the guidance you need in one 60-minute session.

Here's what's included:

expert guidance

Benefit from 60 minutes of personalized coaching with a seasoned financial expert, ready to tackle your specific questions and challenges.

actionable steps

Walk away with clear, practical actions you can immediately implement to improve your financial situation and work towards your goals.

confidence boost

Gain the confidence to make informed financial decisions through insights and understanding gained during your dedicated session.

peace of mind

Achieve peace of mind, knowing you have a solid plan to navigate your finances effectively. Eliminate the guesswork and feel secure in your financial decisions.

 Simple: One Session, One Payment

Smart Money Strategy Session

One 60-minute session

one payment of:


Ready to get started, or have questions?

This is for you if:

You’re seeking a “go to” resource for your specific financial questions.

You’re not yet ready for a comprehensive coaching program like Money Mastery.

You’re interested in guidance on only one aspect of your financial health.

You’re curious about the benefits of financial coaching and want a sample experience.

This isn’t for you if:

You’re seeking a complete financial overhaul or transformation.

You want ongoing accountability and support.

You’re looking to change habits and implement systems for lasting impact.

You need help with multiple complex financial issues.

Whether you just want to dip your toe into the financial coaching waters or only need help with a couple of specific issues, this session is perfect for you.

Welcome to the Smart Money Strategy Session

I'm here to provide you with a clear, focused approach where financial uncertainty becomes informed decision-making and empowerment.

In this session, we address the immediate financial concerns you face, with practical advice and insightful guidance.

Gain newfound clarity and confidence in your financial decisions through targeted strategies you can act on right away.

The Smart Money Strategy Session is your key to paving the way for a more secure and informed financial future.

Hi, I’m Debbie, financial coach and founder of quest financial coaching

Strength in numbers

My years in the industry

clients getting results

lives forever changed

Still unsure how this coaching thing works?

I’m happy to answer any questions you have! Contact me below so you can decide if this is right for you.